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NewZapp Communications

Something to read while you wait?

NewZapp has been supporting businesses with their communication needs for over two decades. We have a huge library of blogs, webinars and guides to help maximise your internal communications and employee engagement.

Network Rail employee engagement through timely email communications

Network Rail seek a better way to engage employees

Network Rail need to communicate important, and often time critical, information to their network of employees and stakeholders. Due to the nature of some of the communications, the delivery of these messages was vital so the ability to track emails was a necessity.

AGC Glass manufacturing process in action

AGC Glass Case Study

A company who needed a communication solution that would better meet their needs. AGC Glass Europe is one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world, supplying the construction and automotive industries.

AGC Glass UK use NewZapp to keep their UK customers, prospects and employees up to date.

Worcestershire Children First conference event

Worcestershire Children First use NewZapp

About Worcestershire Children First Worcestershire Children First is the company responsible for the delivery of services to children and young people across Worcestershire. These services include social care, education, early help and fostering. The team using NewZapp are responsible for